Monday 30 April 2012

Search Engines

Hi Room 3!

We have a new feature on our blog called search engines. A search engine is a way you can search the internet and ask questions.

I have suggested a great search engine for you to use that is designed especially for kids! It's called Kid Rex and its a great way for you search away safely - of course Mum and Dad always enjoy helping you on the computer so ask them to come and sit with you while you find the answers to all those questions you have! 

We will all be using Kid Rex over the next few weeks to help us with our science topic as well so you will be search engine experts before you know it!

Miss Cameron

Monday 2 April 2012

Friday Fun Day!

Last Friday, 30 March, Room 3 and the whole of Halcombe School had two special surprises in the afternoon after the Sausage Sizzle. We guessed and guessed all morning about what the surprises could be, but no one had any idea until we saw the fire trucks turn up at the end of lunch time! There were four fire fighters that came to see us and to tell us all about the special race they are doing up the Sky Tower in Auckland.

We learnt all about how to stay safe at home and found out the most important thing you can do if there is a fire is to have a plan of how to get out of your house safely. Then Toby and Azi were allowed to try on the fire fighters' gear to understand how hard it will be to run up the stairs of the Sky Tower. It was SO heavy!

Before they left the fire fighters wanted to see if we could guess how far the water in the big hose could go. Georjia, Logan, Tyler, Will and Jakob had a go at guessing, but soon realised that if they guessed right that they were going to get wet!

The second part of our surprise was all about Easter! We got to hang out with our buddy class and wish each other Easter messages, before giving each other an Easter Egg!It was a really fun way of spending the last Friday of the term!