Wednesday 19 September 2012

Inventions update!

Room 3 is now well into the second week of inventing their wet lunchtime activity, things are ticking along nicely and most groups are now into the modification and testing stages.

The Problem:

During spring there are many wet lunchtimes and in Room 3 there is not enough activities that can be played by a group inside.

The Brief:

Design a wet lunchtime activity that can be played by a group. It needs to be portable and be easily unpacked and packed away.

The Groups:

Group One is inventing two race tracks where cars have to speed past obstacles to reach the finish line first.

Group Two is inventing an Angry Birds inspired game where you must blast your Angry Bird out of a volcano to hit stars, and collect points, avoiding the dangerous dragons!

Group Three is inventing the 'Tigers and Monkeys' board game where tigers and monkeys have to race through the jungle to get away from the evil poachers!

Group Four is inventing the 'Army Training' game where players practice their aim shooting stars for points.
Group Five is inventing a dance mat where dancers can practice their moves to the latest hits!

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